Let me tell you, this Poqet PC is one neat machine! Admittedly it's sunset technology, but quite useful for qrp'ers nonetheless.
The machine is a Poqet PQ0181. It was one of the first "palmtops" ... an 8088 machine running like a pc compatible XT. However it is only 1.2 lbs, measures less than 9x4x1 inches and it runs off two AA cells for several weeks! It has DOS 3.3 in ROM and features two solid state "disks" each 1 meg in size. Best of all, the SRAM disk cards are PCMCIA type I compatible and I have been using mine to exchange data and programs with my laptop! External wired interface to the Poqet is via an RS-232 port (runs up to 19.2k) and a 2400 baud external modem is included.
I think this is a winner for qrp portable use - once I get a usable logger program.
The best part is that it is only $25 + postage!
You can order it from Jerry, W2GIA the proprietor of Disks N Data in Cherry Hill, NJ. His e-mail address is dndcomp@earthlink.net and you can even call him for info or to order at (800)833-6893 .
My only interest in spreading the word is sharing the deal with my qrp buddies. While Jerry is my friend, I paid full price for my Poqet (and other computers!) and I have no financial interest in his business.
Think of this as my Christmas gift to the group.
Wishing all on the list a happy holiday season, best wishes to your families and may we all work QRP DXCC, WAS, WAC, etc. in 2000!
Joe E., N2CX