> NJQRP Website Relocation
On May 7, 2016 the NJQRP website moved to a new web server and a new URL:
Sincere thanks to George N2APB for hosting njqrp.org for nearly two decades and to Vince WA2ECP for developing and maintaining the original website.
All the great NJQRP content has been moved to this new server. Our intent is to continue to maintain this QRP resource for years to come.
> Monthly TeamSpeak Sessions: "Chat With The Designers"
The monthly TeamSpeak "Chat with the Designers" sessions happen on the second Tuesday of each month at 8 PM Eastern (0000z Wed). You can join us live or catch up with previous sessions at any time with the podcasts and "whiteboard discussion material" (web pages) posted there for nearly all of the previous 70 episodes! Our TeamSpeak Session Home Page has instructions for loading the (free) Teamspeak audio conferencing client on your Windows, Mac or Android platform!
> NJQRP Skeeter Hunt

The annual NJQRP Skeeter Hunt, arranged and coordinated by Larry, w2LJ. See the official NJQRP Skeeter Hunt Webpage for all of the details.
Past Meetings:
> In-Person Meeting Notes Archive

If you are looking for some info that you heard about at one of our in-person meetings (in Princeton or Brooklawn) or just want to see what we have been up to, check out our Meeting Notes Archive
> See Notes & photos of our Group Build
We had a great group build "Workshop" on Dec 11, 2011 at the Armstrong Hall Engineering Lab at the College of New Jersey. Great thanks to Professor Al Katz (the famous UHF ham) who let us use the engineering lab to continue the build-up of our Ensemble RX-II kits. A big thanks also to Joe Jesson, KC2VGL for arranging this venue, which could become a regular place for the continued stream of Group Build activities that we have planned for the club. The Ensemble RX II is an all-HF band receiver kit that includes the components for building the receiver for HF operation (1.8 MHz through 30 MHz). We're looking forward to getting this compact little receiver working first with the PC, and then shortly thereafter with a small project board (our follow-on group build) to eliminate the need for the PC. "We don't need no stinkin' PC!
> NJQRP Resource Page
We have collected some great sources of information and posted them in a web page called "NJQRP Resources", check it out at http://www.njqrp.club/resources/index.php.
> NJQRP Yahoo! Group

After 10 years of faithful service (thanks to Bob, K2UT) we have retired our old email list server and moved to a Yahoo! Group. This group continues to let us share email with everyone as well as adding many new features. The old mail list server was retired at the end of 2007. Click the image on the left or see this page for instructions on signing up for our Yahoo! group.
> Homebrewer Sprint Results
Check out the results from our long-running QRP contest:
2007: Fall
and Spring
2006: Fall
and Spring
2005: Fall
and Spring
2004: Fall
and Spring
2003: Fall
and Spring
2002: Fall
and Spring
2001: Fall
and Spring
> Elmer 160 Course - learn how to program PICs!
John McDonough, WB8RCR has designed an on line introductory course for learning how to program and use PIC micro controllers. As course instructor, he will start off with very basic principles, and take students to the point of designing their own PIC applications. While the focus will be on the PIC16F84 chip, principles are applicable to the entire range of micro controllers from Microchip.
GEO: Good Enough Oscillator
Check out this simple-and-useful "mini-kit" produced for members who attended the August 2003 club meeting
SNAP Transmitter Application Notes
N2CX describes how to enhance a simple 2-stage transmitter